As an act of consecration and dedication, a setting apart for a special purpose in God's kingdom. Houses, structures, articles of worship, clothing, and people can be anointed as a sign of consecration to God.
As the priests of the home, husbands are encouraged to anoint their wives and children for consecration, protection, peace, pronouncing a blessing upon them as did the Fathers of Old!
As a preparation to Bible study, devotional time, fasting, and praise and worship.
In times of sickness, fear, anxiety, oppression of the enemy, and end of mourning.
A suggestion to do this would be to smear a small amount of oil on specific areas of your body, praying over each area.
Touch temples: Father, I anoint my temples and ask that I would have the mind of Christ in all things today. Thank you that you will keep me in perfect peace because my mind is stayed on you.
Touch eyelids: Father, I anoint my eyes that I would see people, things, and situations as you see them, through the filter of your Holy Spirit. Teach me to look beyond what I see in the natural.
Touch ears: Father, I anoint my ears that I may hear the still small voice of your Holy Spirit and be sensitive to your leading through the day.
Touch lips and place hand over your heart: Father, I pray today that the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart would be found acceptable in your sight. May I open my mouth with wisdom and may the law of kindness and grace be in my tongue.
Anoint your hands: Father, I ask that you would make my hands like the hands of Jesus today to someone on this earth. And thank you that as I do all things as unto the Lord, You will bless the work of my hands today.
Anoint top of your feet: Father, thank you that the steps of the righteous are ordered by the Lord. Keep me on the blessed way of Your commandments, for I desire to follow hard after You. Thank you for Your protection, Your wisdom, Your guidance, Your joy, and may Your love fill my heart to overflowing this day for the Kingdom's sake. Bless Your name.
For Personal Daily Consecration (Being Set Apart): "Father, I anoint myself today with this oil as a sign of an inward decision to consecrate my heart unto You. I give myself to You today and ask that You would anoint me for all that You desire to do through my life today. I thank You for Your armor and Your protection and apply them to myself. I ask that You would take control of My life and use me this day to accomplish Your purposes in My sphere of influence."
For personal healing: "Father, thank You that according to Your Holy Scriptures, Your Son, Jesus, took my infirmities, bore my sickness, and that by His stripes, I am healed (I Peter 2:24). I know that You have plans for me to prosper and be in good health. You are my Great Physician and I praise You and thank You that You desire that I be well and whole. As I anoint myself with oil, I apply the blood of Jesus to every area of sickness or disease in my life, and I pray that by Your name and the stripes which You bore for me, I am healed. Amen."
"Is there any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick and the Lord shall raise him up." James 5:14-16