RIVER Ministries at it's core carries the Love that flows from God's Heart to the World.
Founders, and lead Ministers, Joseph and Carolyn Dutton carry a 5 fold apostolic/prophetic evangelistic anointing and burn with a passion to see people transformed through the Glory of God that flows through them.
As a couple they jointly minister and flow in the gifts of Holy Spirit believing and demonstrating that Signs, Miracles and Wonders should follow them that believe.
Accomplished Teachers, Worship Leaders and planters of Ministry
with an apostolic calling on their lives, they see the worth in each person they meet and encourage them to walk into their gifts,callings and identities as Mature, Manifest Sons and Daughters of God.
With a gifting for "throne room worship", and skilled in administering Physical and Inner Healing/Deliverance, they preach and teach the Word of God with a Fire from the very Altar of God. They are available for Revivals,Seminars, Conferences, Healing or Evangelistic Outreach Services, Worship events or Pastoral Counseling.
contact us today to book at your next event. They have a philosophy of "Have oil.....will travel"
More about these ministers:
"Joseph and Carolyn have a heart for Being Jesus to those outside the four walls of the church. Flowing in the anointing and Glory, they minister through the Gifts of Holy Spirit, Teaching and Preaching the Radical message of the Power of Jesus to change lives through His overwhelming never ending reckless Love.
They carry a Mercy Gift that allows them to never meet a stranger,they flow seamlessly in Holy Spirit through word and worship.
Joseph and Carolyn have a heart for the sick, hurting, outcast, wounded, and those who are broken. Through their gifting of Mercy they see soul and emotional wounds that many would think irrepairable fashioned into something that is no longer broken, but made beautiful through the mending of Holy Spirit.
They know that one can be beautifully broken yet walk into the fullness of being wonderfully and fearfully made.
If you need to be taken into the presence of Abba, hear teaching that will transform your life, receive refreshing, deliverance or healing in Mind, Body, Spirit and Soul then you don't want to miss the opportunity to book them to minister at your event!"
-quote adapted from Owensboro KY 2017